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The Effectiveness of Parental Management Training Based on Nahj Al-Balagha on Adolescent Identity Styles

Received: 23 June 2024     Accepted: 30 July 2024     Published: 10 October 2024
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Introduction: Adolescence is a very important period that can be difficult for the teenager and can cause challenges for the family. Raising and educating teenagers is very important for families. Acquiring identity is the most important aspect of every person's personality, so the methods of achieving identity are very important, and in the book of Nahj al-Balagheh, various methods for educating parents are suggested. Purpose: This research was conducted with the aim of the effectiveness of parent management training based on Nahj al-Balagheh on adolescent identity styles. Method: The studied population were all adolescent girls of Yazd city. The sample size was 30 people who were selected by cluster random sampling and divided into two experimental groups (15 people) and control (15 people). Data were obtained by Berzonsky's identity style questionnaire (1989), the experimental group was trained in 8 45-minute therapy sessions, while the control group did not receive any training. The data was analyzed using the statistical method of analysis of covariance. Findings: The results showed that parental management training based on Nahj al-Balagheh has an effect on adolescent identity styles. Also, education can have a direct impact on the type of identity of teenagers. Conclusion: The period of adolescence is called the period of crisis, and the parents of these adolescents can learn the necessary training to understand this period and how to deal with their adolescent's problems at the beginning or before the beginning of adolescence. Accordingly, they can use various treatment methods. and use different books. The use and extraction of educational tips using Nahj al-Balaghah can help these parents.

Published in American Journal of Applied Psychology (Volume 13, Issue 5)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajap.20241305.11
Page(s) 80-85
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Identity Styles, Parental Management, Nahj al-Balagha

1. Introduction
The field of identity is one of the individual and social human complexities that need to be studied. Throughout history, the issue of identity has been one of the tensest issues that has been discussed and studied not only in the family sphere of individuals, but also in the governmental and political environment of different civilizations . This word is connected with all aspects of human's personal and social life. From family identity and belonging to a specific generation to the field of choosing religion and leaning towards sects and political organizations, all of them are discussed about identity Identity was first considered in psychology by Erikson. Erikson was the first to recognize identity as an important development of the adolescent personality and an important step toward becoming a productive and happy adult. Forming an identity is to determine who you are, what you value and what path you have decided to follow in life Erikson considers identity as a person's perception, which is the result of creating unity between his past, present and future. In Erikson's view, identity consists of a set of values, beliefs and goals that a person adheres to He believed that success in solving crises increases internal consistency, correct judgment, and the ability to progress . Castort et al. (2006) showed that the presence of teenagers in activities that have a specific and purposeful flow and where the teenager can give himself an identity tool is one of the signs of psychological well-being in the future .
The relationship between parents and children is one of the important issues that have attracted the opinion of experts and education experts for years. A relationship that, on the one hand, can turn a child into a complete, developed and normal human being, and on the other hand, if this relationship is destroyed, it can lead to all kinds of mental disorders, followed by mental suffering for oneself and others
The root and origin of intellectual, moral, political developments and their related destructions should be sought from the family. Therefore, the family is a definite helper of man, and in many cases they help man against various difficulties and problems Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in Nahj al-Balaghah points out the importance of the family system and even its authenticity and dignity and the influence of the methods used by the parents to raise their children. They consider children as a blessing from God, and on the other hand, they do not consider good and goodness in the number of children, rather they consider having a few children and taking care of their growth and education as criteria, and having a righteous child is one of the two factors that remind people after Death mentions 14 to 21 years of age, the characteristics of harmony and companionship with parents, learning what is halal and haram, and the period of enmity or friendship with the mentioned parents, young people in this period should also be burdened with the problems of puberty and He should take on the responsibility and direct responsibility of many of his tasks and cooperate with his parents as a consultant, deputy and assistant in decision-making. If they give him a decision, he will be friends with his parents during this period, but if the parents behave differently, their child will be an enemy to them. Cultivating the existential dimensions of children in the biological, mental, psychological, emotional, moral fields, in the field of worldly friendship and worldliness. Osikma betqavi Allah, wala tabaghia al-dunya wa in baghtkama . Types of families from the point of view of Imam Ali in terms of authenticity: A family is called authentic which is rooted in honor, humanity, morals and aspects that make a person immortal. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says: What is the tab of suqiyah, the tab of gharsa. And you are the fruit, and we are the evil of watering, the evil of hunger, and your command is the fruit. Every seedling that has roots in pure water remains pure and becomes a sweet tree. And a sapling that is planted in impurity and takes root in impure water becomes an impure tree and bears bitter fruit. In terms of honor and respect: Regardless of the respect and value of families in the eyes of God, they are different in the eyes of people. Some families are loved by the people because of their records, their service and support from the people. And some others do not have much reputation. We respect the words of the Imam who said: Lis Umme Kahashim and La Harb kaAbd al-Muttalib, and La Abu Sufyan Kaabi Talib, and La Al-Muhajir Kaal-Talib; Neither Umayyah is Hashem's equal, nor is Abd al-Muttalib's equal. Neither Abu Sufyan nor the rank of Abi Talib, nor the value of immigrants like freed captives. Family stability: In a sermon, the Imam says: La iqas baal Muhammad min shashta ulama ehud, wa la ysoi bham min Jarat my blessing against Abda. Asas al-Din and Emad Al-Yekin, in the example of goodness and originality, none of this Ummah can be compared to the family of Muhammad, and those who are blessed with the guidance of the Prophet's family will not be equal to them, they are the foundation of religion and the support of certainty .
2. Method
The research method is based on the objective of a semi-experimental type with a control group and an experimental group. The statistical population in this research is all female students of second year high school in Yazd city. The sample size based on the research objectives is 30 people who were replaced in two control and experimental groups. For this purpose, we first put the society in Cochran's formula and in order to screen the students, we distributed the identity styles questionnaire among 362 students. To select the sample, we used the random cluster sampling method in such a way that 4 schools were randomly selected and after distributing the questionnaires, the students who had the lowest score in identity styles were selected and randomly divided into two groups. Control and experiment were replaced.
2.1. Berzonsky Identity Style Questionnaire
This questionnaire was created by Berzonsky in 1989 and revised in 1992 in order to orient the identity of people. This test is a 40-item self-report instrument that consists of 4 subscales that include informational orientation, normative orientation, confused/avoidant orientation, and commitment. Its validity has been confirmed by evaluating the correlation with Benyon and Adams identity status scale. The results showed that the acquired identity is correlated with the subscales of informational orientation and commitment, and delayed identity is correlated with the subscales of commitment, normative orientation, informational orientation, and confused/avoidant orientation. Ghazanfari also obtained its reliability coefficient through Cronbach's alpha. Cronbach's alpha obtained for each of the subscales was: commitment 75%, normative orientation 73%, confusion/avoidance orientation 0.82, informational orientation 0.76, and the total scale 83%. Scoring and interpretation of Berzonsky's identity style questionnaire, informational identity 33-35-33-26-30-25-18-16-5-2 and normative identity 40-34-32-28-23-21-19-10-4 and identity confusion/avoidance 38-36-31-29-27-24-17-13-8-3 and commitment 39-22-20-15-14-12-11-9-7-1, to obtain the score of each Subscale scores should be added together for each subscale. Some statements are scored negatively. Statements 9-11-14 and 20 are scored in reverse.
2.2. Parent Management Training Session Based on Nahj al-Balaghe
1) The first session: introduction of members, description of meeting rules, definition of parenting, reasons for choosing Nahj al-Balagha. Description of students' problems from parents' point of view.
2) The second session: Teaching how parents communicate with students based on Najbalagheh (how to empathize, how to call, how to talk about demands).
3) The third session of the description of refinement and patience and training for teenagers.
4) The fourth session describes social compatibility and its definition and presents Nahj al-Balagheh solutions to increase this option.
5) The fifth chapter describes kindness and openness for parents and education for teenagers.
6) The sixth session of removing self-conceit, greed and pride in parents and how to deal with anger in Nahj al-Balagheh.
7) The seventh session of training in the field of weak will and bad mood of parents and when interacting with teenagers.
8) The eighth session of summarizing the results.
To analyze the data at an inferential level, presupposition tests (Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Lewin's test of normal distribution of scores) and analysis of variance with repeated measurements were used. All statistical analyzes were performed using the statistical package for social sciences version 23.
2.3. Data Analysis
Hypothesis: Parental management training based on Nahj al-Balagha has an effect on adolescent identity styles.
In order to check the effectiveness of parental management training based on Nahj al-Balaghe, covariance analysis was used. The most appropriate method to remove the pre-test effect in plans that use intervention is to use the mentioned test. The analysis of covariance test has assumptions, the establishment of each of the assumptions was checked below:
Normality: The normality of the data in the experimental group and the control group was checked by the Shapiro-Wilk test. According to Table 1, this assumption has been met for the variable of identity styles (p-value<0.05).
Table 1. The normality test of the variable distribution of identity styles in the experimental group and the control group.





identity styles




After the test



Homogeneity of variance: The second premise is to establish the homogeneity of variance between variable scores of the identity styles of the experimental group and the control group in the state before and after the therapeutic intervention. The results of Table 2 show that the variance of the pre-test and post-test scores of the variable of identity styles are similar in the two groups (p-value<0.05); Therefore, the second assumption has also been met.
Table 2. The test of equality of variance of the variable of identity styles in the experimental group and the control group.



Levin statistic

degree of freedom 1

degree of freedom 2


identity styles






After the test





Homogeneity of the slope of the regression line: this assumption was checked by the interaction between the covariance variable (pre-test) and the independent variable (grouping). In this test, the interaction between the covariance variable (pre-test) and the independent variable (grouping) should not be significant. According to the test result in Table 3, this assumption has been met in the experimental and control groups (p-value<0.05).
Table 3. Equality test of the slope of the variable regression line of identity styles in the experimental group and the control group.


F statistic

degrees of freedom 1

degree of freedom 2


identity styles





Considering the establishment of test assumptions, the analysis of covariance test results was investigated. The results of the test in the section between the subjects in Table 4 show that the main effects of the group (experiment and control) in the variable of identity styles are significant (η = 0.609; p-value < 0.05, F = 42.030); That is, there is a difference between the average scores of identity styles in the experimental group and the control group. Also, the eta coefficient shows that 60.9% of the changes in the score of identity styles are related to the training that was given to the participants in the research through therapy.
Table 4. The results of the covariance analysis of identity styles according to the experimental group and the control group.

source of changes

sum of the squares

degrees of freedom

average of the squares

F statistic


eta square






















3. Discussion
The results of the research showed that there is a difference between the average scores of identity styles in the experimental group and the control group. Also, the eta coefficient shows that 60.9% of the changes in the score of identity styles are related to the training that was given to the participants in the research through therapy.
The results of the research are in line with the results of .
Human education and how to achieve perfection has always been the interest of every thinker and theorist since a long time ago. The issue of the child in the family and his growing process and getting a personality and choosing the style of identity is very important for families that most parents They are not aware of the correct way to deal with their children, on the other hand, considering the fact that the philosophy and values governing our society originate from the religion of Islam, therefore, it will be necessary to read the rich texts of religion and Islam in this field. The sayings of Hazrat Ali (AS) in Nahj al-Balagheh, as one of the most valuable sources that deal with the issues affecting the society, are obvious and obvious to everyone. Educational topics are also one of the topics that have been emphasized many times in Nahj al-Balaghah in the form of letters, sermons and wisdoms addressed to agents and people of the society, and these recommendations were based on the Quran and Islam, which can be used for the year guide people and this research has been able to make a significant impact on the identity styles of teenagers by using parent management training based on the approaches of the Qur'an.
4. Conclusion
According to Erikson, identity is an important achievement of adolescence and an important step towards adulthood. According to him, in the process of finding his identity, the teenager experiences an identity crisis, which is one of the stages of a person's psychological and social development and a part of the natural growth process. Identity crisis in adolescence means that he gets confused and distressed and still does not know what goals and values he should pursue in his life. Who am I? What do I want to do in the future? Where do I want to go? Is there anyone who has not asked these questions? All of us, even at this moment, may be involved in these questions and seek to find an answer for it. Searching, exploring and finally answering these questions leads to a concept called "identity". Identity includes memories, experiences, relationships and values, and a sense of who we are. Identity actually creates a constant and continuous impression of ourselves, despite the changes that may occur over time and the roles we assume at each stage of life; Such as child role, friend, life partner, parents, social and work environment. Forming an identity means defining who you are, what you value, and what path you want to follow in life. This process includes three key tasks: discovering and developing potential abilities, choosing a purpose in life, and finding opportunities to use that potential and purpose. Despite the fact that identity development occurs throughout a person's life, adolescence is the first time that people begin to think about how identity affects their lives. It is on this basis that parental education can have a great impact on this process, which can be used for a better understanding of Nahj al-Balaghah. Among the letters, sermons and wisdom, the 31st letter of Nahj al-Balagheh addressed to Imam Hassan (AS) is one of the best educational documents. In this book, the importance of adolescence is mentioned. In this letter, these points are mentioned, "And the young heart is like an empty land, full of capacity and acceptance... and before your heart becomes hard and accepts another seed, I tried to cultivate politeness in you." It is clear that His Holiness believes that education should not be postponed. His talk about the readiness of the heart of the youth is so clear that it does not need any explanation, it should only be noted that he also mentions that if we do not strive to educate our children in childhood and adolescence and do not plant the seeds of politeness in their hearts, There are those who will train him according to their wishes and interests; This shows the importance of education during adolescence. On the other hand, in quantitative researches, the use of these educational guidelines has been scientifically measured and tracked, and this research can open the way for other researches in the future.
Author Contributions
Naser Askarpour: Conceptualization
Yusuf Cheharazad: Data curation
Mina Abade: Software
Mahsa Salajeghe: Resources
Tahereh Joudaki: Project administration
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Askarpour, N., Cheharazad, Y., Abade, M., Salajeghe, M., Joudaki, T. (2024). The Effectiveness of Parental Management Training Based on Nahj Al-Balagha on Adolescent Identity Styles. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 13(5), 80-85.

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    ACS Style

    Askarpour, N.; Cheharazad, Y.; Abade, M.; Salajeghe, M.; Joudaki, T. The Effectiveness of Parental Management Training Based on Nahj Al-Balagha on Adolescent Identity Styles. Am. J. Appl. Psychol. 2024, 13(5), 80-85. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20241305.11

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    AMA Style

    Askarpour N, Cheharazad Y, Abade M, Salajeghe M, Joudaki T. The Effectiveness of Parental Management Training Based on Nahj Al-Balagha on Adolescent Identity Styles. Am J Appl Psychol. 2024;13(5):80-85. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20241305.11

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    AB  - Introduction: Adolescence is a very important period that can be difficult for the teenager and can cause challenges for the family. Raising and educating teenagers is very important for families. Acquiring identity is the most important aspect of every person's personality, so the methods of achieving identity are very important, and in the book of Nahj al-Balagheh, various methods for educating parents are suggested. Purpose: This research was conducted with the aim of the effectiveness of parent management training based on Nahj al-Balagheh on adolescent identity styles. Method: The studied population were all adolescent girls of Yazd city. The sample size was 30 people who were selected by cluster random sampling and divided into two experimental groups (15 people) and control (15 people). Data were obtained by Berzonsky's identity style questionnaire (1989), the experimental group was trained in 8 45-minute therapy sessions, while the control group did not receive any training. The data was analyzed using the statistical method of analysis of covariance. Findings: The results showed that parental management training based on Nahj al-Balagheh has an effect on adolescent identity styles. Also, education can have a direct impact on the type of identity of teenagers. Conclusion: The period of adolescence is called the period of crisis, and the parents of these adolescents can learn the necessary training to understand this period and how to deal with their adolescent's problems at the beginning or before the beginning of adolescence. Accordingly, they can use various treatment methods. and use different books. The use and extraction of educational tips using Nahj al-Balaghah can help these parents.
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